Caught a matinee showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 today. The theater was using film, and the showing was slightly out of focus (enough that I suspected it through the whole showing and confirmed it when I saw the credits). I didn't intend to geek about about this movie on The B-On, but it cannot be helped. The thoughts: there are so many.
UPDATE 7/17: Had a second viewing today. This time there was constant drone from the air conditioning in the theater. And I truly mean a "drone," the sound was a Perfect 5th interval and definitely in the bass registers. I couldn't hear it until everyone hushed for the movie, so I thought it might've been a part of the film score. Nope, 15 minutes later: droooooooooooooooooooone. My updated thoughts are scattered through out the article, so read on.
Reader beware, here there be uninhibited spoilers. Hit the jump to read more.